illuminate a vibrant community where evolving needs are cared for

Community Response

Support the changing needs and unexpected demands of our community.

Our North Star

Stay agile and adaptive to our community’s evolving needs and supporting innovative approaches to help it thrive.


The Spark

Answer the call from organizations and community members to support innovative community-driven approaches that address the evolving needs of our area.

How We Can See It Through

By working with the organizations and community members who best understand the emerging needs of our community and the innovations required to address them, we can impactfully respond to critical issues, unexpected demands, and time-sensitive opportunities with agility that will ensure our community thrives.

A vibrant community where emerging needs are met. Let's go.

Have an immediate need or idea?

Let's Talk
Marcus Bliss Head Shot

Marcus Bliss

Program Officer

(585) 479-4470

Blue stars

More information can be found on our Grantseeker Resources page. Or give us a call.